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What are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are certain man-made chemical substances that circulate in the environment and return to the human body or other organisms through the food chain. They can mimic the endocrine disrupting chemicals in the body, and thus affect the physiological regulation in the human body. Most of the endocrine disrupting chemicals have the following characteristics. Common types of endocrine disrupting chemicals and their uses are listed below:

Implementation of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Management Plan in Taiwan

In view of the potential adverse health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human beings, the international community has been paying more attention to the issue of endocrine disrupting chemicals, and Taiwan has implemented the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Management Plan in order to serve as a gatekeeper for the health of the people in Taiwan.

Through the continuous promotion and implementation of the management plan, we can effectively integrate the capacity of various ministries, strengthen the endocrine disrupting chemicals management regulations, and at the same time, conduct sampling and monitoring of domestic supplies, products, food, and the environment, so that the people of Taiwan can stay away from the interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals and live in a safe and non-toxic environment.

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